Weapons-03 NOLF2 mod
Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:51 pm
I think its about time that I update my NOLF2 mod
- New stuff
M82A1 with 4x SV scope
Beretta 2x Scope
Step zooming for 4x scopes
Chat sound keywords (hi, brb, ok, etc)
New scope crosshairs (color is bound to the 1st person crosshair color)
Spy Vision, lift/drop key = on/off (SV scopes only)
Weapon upgrade (pickup weapon A, does player have A? |Yes, get B| : |No, Get A|
- Returning weapons
Silenced Sterling
.32 Beretta with silencer and scope
- Modded stuff
P90 (PV): Test laser sight
Sniper rifle with silencer and 2x SV scope
CT180 now with 2x SV scope
Jumping about 5 times now clears burning damage (untested with phos)
CateGlasses2 attachment; all Cate MP models
IsakoGlasses attachment; Isako MP model
- Fixes
Fire perturb (was partly broken in Weapons-02)
Download link
- New stuff
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- + Micro Uzi > Dual Micro Uzi's
- + Katana > .32 Beretta
- + Sniper rifle > M82A1 rifle
- Returning weapons
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- Modded stuff
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- Fixes
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Download link