AIVolumes denote open space to an AI, and must be placed everywhere an AI may travel in your level. AIVolumes are also invisible to the player. There are several types of these that we will get into.
In order for the AI volume to work properly, you need to pay attention to a couple of restrictions:
AIVolumes do not contain any physical obstacles like desks, walls, columns, etc unless your AI is a ghost, I suppose it makes sense that they go through walls. |
AIVolumes align exactly with adjacent AIVolumes |
AIVolumes containing doors must be narrow volumes just containing the dimensions of the closed door. Only one door may be in an AIVolume. |
AIVolumes have minimum dimensions in XYZ of 48x16x48 units. |
AIVolumes are generally 16 units tall, and 8 units off the ground. This is not a requirement. |
Keep a general distance of 16 units to walls. |
AIVolumes touching other AIVolumes must have a connection of at least 48 units. |
The AI volume has a green tint for display purposes
These AI volumes are added differently than in lithtech 2, instead of making a brush you will add the AI volume object directly.
1. Adding the AIVolumes
Then go to it's Dims in properties and type in your prefered size or in most cases, these ojects can be dragged out in size as a normal brush would when you use object mode.
Rince and repeat this process until you cover the whole area you want to AI to move in.
2. adding a AIRegion
After you are done with the AI volumes, you may want to add them to a certain AI region to control AI behavior. Sounding the alarm for instance
Set your X marker where you want the object to go, and add a new AIRegion object.
Then go to your nodes window and select all the AIVolumes that you want to keep in this AIRegion
Go to your properties tab, and hit that little B where it says Region, then select the newly made AIRegion object. This should bind every selected AIVolume to this AIRegion.
There is no need to arrange the AIvolumes under the AIregion object in nodes, but it is easier to keep track of the ones that belongs to the specific AIregion when doing it this way. You can also select them all with 1 click.