Online Serverlist + Player overview

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Online Serverlist + Player overview

Post by johnicepick » Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:53 pm

Guten Tag Everyone,

I missed an online webpage where I can see if there are ppl online in nolf. So I made my own webpage that shows current servers + players in nolf1. (or if you can keep that adress better in your mind). had also one, but after his nice neat list went down I wanted to have a handy dandy list with an easy overview of players and IP-adresses. So whenever you use the "+connect ip-adres:port" command you can copy those IP-adresses from there.

- Auto Refresh (every 30s) non-stop
- Notification when 1 player comes online (or if set, a 2nd player)
The notification is a sound that gets auto-played (make sure that autoplay is activated in firefox+chrome!). In case you are idling in a server, and waiting for a second player to come, you can also set the notification-sound to go off when 2 players are in the same server - so you can continue browsing the internet. You can also turn off all sounds, if you'd like.

Link: :fetchen:
nolfserverlist7-small.jpg (296.83 KiB) Viewed 6206 times
Link: :fetchen:

@Spawn: If you want I can adjust the overview and make it fit with your website design, so that you can display that serveroverview on your startpage if you want...?

Edit#1: I updated the interface. The server is now highlighted whenever a player is found.

Hope you like it!
Icepick / John
Last edited by johnicepick on Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Online Serverlist + Player overview

Post by Spawn » Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:39 am

Hey man, welcome to the forum :thumb:

I'm not sure how much traffic there is on this website (other than bots) But I was looking into making a script like that a little while ago as well but haven't done anything with it yet.
It would be fun to put something like this up for sure :thumb:

I've been meaning to recreate the design as well sometime.

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