I bought a computer yesterday and everything works fine. I installed NOLF and everything went ok. But when I wanted to play online I lag. Now there are 2 computers that play nolf my bro's and mine ( which i bought yesterday ) . When we play together I have lag but also when I play alone my pinger is higher then when i played on my bro's computer and lag.
Now I dont know what this is could it be my computer this is the info I can give about the computer:
Intel ? Pentium 4 CPU 2.93 GHz
Windows XP , Service Pack 2 Direct X 9.0c
200 gb hard disk
NVIDIA Geforce 6200se Turbocache PCI-Express x16
The videocard isnt that good but should be good enough for nolf also I have this problem for cod 2 but the videocard should be good enough for cod 2 too and the rest is good I think...Also we have very good internet my ping was 40-60 now it jumps from 40-90.. Is it because there are more computers connected with the same game? If so why do I still have lag when I play alone and what can I do about it?
Thnx alot if someone can help me,
jedwabna poszewka 50x60