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by Broken » Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:22 am
Ok Reaper and me are building a site (
>Link) Which is about designing and gaming. Now we are planning to make a mappack ( Ultima Mappack) for Nolf 1 after that a mappack for Nolf 2 will follow. Do you all think its a good idea too start with a new mappack serie?? Cuz itll take a while before people found it on the internet. But just wanted to know your thoughts of it. :

. So you people think its a good idea or shud we just bring single maps out.??
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by Belladonna » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:57 am
Hiya Broken.
As far as NOLF2 goes, there are already mappacks being made on a regular basis that most of the players are used to downloading from unityhq.net or nolfgirl.com. For the most part, one person has been putting the maps together for the NOLF games - JAG Sauron. Sgt.Pepper has created our latest one for UnityHeadquarters. I'd suggest talking about the issue at either of the above forums mentioned since more of the 'general' players frequent those forums. I'm a little concerned about lots of mappacks with different content in them making things confusing. You're more than welcome to take any downloads we have at unityhq.net and host them on your site as well, btw. If you want to chat more about this, feel free to contact me.

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by Broken » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:49 pm
Hey Donna,
Thnx for the answer. And yes I would like to chat with u more about this cause I dont play much Nolf 2 and I dont know much abou the downloads of it. I do play Nolf 1 and i know about Sauron that he did put the maps together. We wanted to bring more variety in both of the games ( Nolf 1 + 2) thats why we were planning to make another mappack. If u want add me to your msn ( just_br0k3n) Its a new one cuz my some way I cant acces my old one anymore

. And if u dont have msn I will contact u by pm

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