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Post by Spawn » Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:26 pm

How to make basic ladders

1. Building a basic ladderbrushes, no fancy stuff!

Create a new prefab/world and set the grids to 1 unit in every window
start in brushmode and create a new 'brush->Add Primitive->Cylinder'


then put in the dimensions:


Then hit ok to add it, give it a nice texture.. I'll go for a easy one to scale, and
it looks like shiny metal.


Now level the marker with the top of the cylinder and count 32 unitys from the end of the cylinder and copy/paste the cylinder.


Now it is time to create the steps...

Count 20 units down from the top and place the marker.

Copy/paste or Create a new cylinder, identical to the first one but 32 units tall
instead of 256 units tall. The go to the sideview and rotate it 90 degrees by
pressing one of the arrows.


Now count another 24 units down (20 units beween the steps)
and place the marker there and copy/paste the previous step..
repeat it until you got a full ladder (6 steps in this case).

Select all the steps and drag them to a wanted shape from the topview

like this:


The result:


2. Make it climbable

add a primitive box with the size 8 and stretch it out to cover the ladder like this:


and texture it with the invisible texture (TEX\Invisible.dtx)
Now have the new box selected, rightclick and choose Selection->Bind to object
Then select: VolumeBrush->Ladder

Voila! A functional ladder is created :thumb:

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Post by Spawn » Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:44 pm

Sasser's ladder:
sasser wrote: Image
I'm gonna make a more complex ladder now, that sasser asked for :)

add the 2 sides and the 2 step just like I showed in the post above...
But I resized these to 2 units instead of 4

(this is meant for referance for the next steps of the tutorial)

1) Rescaling the ladder to make it editable


Select everything now and rightclick, then Selection->Scale Selection.

And this box will appear:


Make the whole thing 4 times bigger by typing in 400 (%)
Now it will be possible to work with the grid again :thumb:

2) Modifying the step

Select the top step and start slicing it up into 7 pieces :thumb:

how to split:

Always have what you want to split selected..

Now split the step just like i did in the picture below, step 1 to 7 and
rejoin the whole thing by having all the pieces of the step selected and
press shift+j..


Go ahead and select the black texture(TEX\black.dtx)
and switch to geometrymode


texture the parts that is supposed to be black but moving the arrow over them and
press ctrl+t.

Now we're into the fun part of editing :thumb:

A point is selected when you move your mouse over it and it highligths with
a green dot, hold down M to move it around.
If you do a error or 3 hit ctrl+Y to undo it


After everything is modified, go back to brushmode and select the whole step, then
press Ctrl+E to get rid of the concave polies.


Step complete!

3) Bend the sidepipes


Start by splitting off a small part on the top and move the tiny part that you
cut off up, have it selected and switch to geomode and delete the ends
by having it selected like this and hit the (pagedown button)


Now copy/paste it until you got 5 of these in a row, then start rotating each one

number 1 = rotate it 90 degrees and make it only halv lenght of what the others are
number 2 = rotate it 67.5 degrees
number 3 = rotate it 45 degrees
number 4 = rotate it 22.5 degrees
number 5 = Don't rotate, just make it 1 unit tall

and move the brushes so that they match eachother like this:


Now, switch to geomode and move all the points together like this..
Use one of the sideviews, and try to even the lines as good as you can :)


now copy part 1-2-3 and rotate it 180 degrees and line it up to fit the end like in
the image below, then shape the end polies a little and split a piece of it to make
a clean cut.

Then split off another part that you texture black..


You can also double the amount of pipes in the bend to make it look smoother,
but the finished size will even it up a bit :thumb:

Select the main pipe again and split off a piece in the bottom that you texture
black as well, then select everything and Join it (shift+j)

Copy the complete sidepipe and paste it on the other side then scale it back to
normal size by putting in the value 25% instead of 400% and add the rest of
the steps (just like in the first tutorial..

Remember to select all, and reset the texture coordinates :)

Voila (again)

Ltc file included below

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